Question by Tuxicans: Is there a digital camera with fast shutter speed?I am looking for a digital camera in the $ 300 or less range that has a faster shutter speed. I take lots of pictures for my animal rescue group and have a terrible time with the lag on my Sony Cyber Shot camera. I hit the button, but by the time the picture is taken, the animal has moved. Any suggestions?
Best answer:Answer by Joe
Honestly as I have found out, any recent digital camera has a decent shutter time as long as the lighting is good. By pressing the shutter button half way, getting your subject in focus before you try to take the picture helps alot. Press the rest of the way, and it should capture it pretty quickly without lag. Other than that, fast cameras as a dslr would cost a bit more than $ 300 unless you were to find used on craigslist.
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