Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Whats a good beginners camera with interchangeable lenses?

Question by jake: Whats a good beginners camera with interchangeable lesnes?
Im looking for a good beginners camera. I have around 200-400 to spend. Id like something not too complicated but would still have the freedom of having more features if i get better with the camera. Just looking for beginners camera recommendations. Thanks in advanced!

Best answer:
Answer by Jay
DSLRs are unfortunately all more complicated then point and shoot cameras. But they still have Auto modes for the beginners. You will however not get as good of a shot with that mode. Another drawback is that they are more expensive by a lot. The lowest canon on BestBuy with a kit lens is 435$ plus taxes.


Good luck!

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. The simple fact is that interchangeable lens cameras known for short as DSLR's or Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras start at About $ 500.00. Both Canon and Nikon have entry level DSLR's. However I question whether these are good "beginners' cameras as you asked for. If You are under the impression that you can get into one of these cameras for as low as $ 200.00 even used, you will have a rude awakening. And add to this that that $ 500.00 figure is just the beginning. What about lenses? You will only get a 28mm to 50 or 55mm lens with the camera. What about macro pictures (close-ups of small objects like flowers, etc) and telephoto shots to bring distant object in close. Photography with a DSLR camera is an expensive hobby. Even though it is a good one, and there are worst things you can spend your money on.
    In your question you mention "beginner's camera THREE times. This leads me to believe you would very happy with a "bridge" type camera. Which is a type of camera just in between a simple point and shoot and a DSLR. This type camera DOES NOT have interchangeable lenses. These cameras go for $ 150 in the Fuji line, which gives you an excellent camera with a long zoom lens and close-up (macro abilities). If you want one of the best in this area then look at the Canon Powershot SX40 IS for about $ 430.00, or less.

    Good Luck

  2. As you have not stated what currency your "200-400" is I assume you are American and mean dollars.

    You can buy 2nd hand DSLR for that but that carries risk.
    Entry level Pentax, Canon or Nikon can be bought for that but you may find yourself buying the stock run out of a discontinued model such as the Nikon D3000 or D3100 or the Canon XS or T3i

    Another 100-150 on your budget would move you into current model territory

  3. i think you should save up and get something like the Nikon D3100 atleast. dont buy Sub $ 400 DSLRs they have far too may compromises.

    Nikon D3100 Video Review
