Question by Phate: How to transfer pictures from my computer into my digital camera?I have some pictures on my computer that I need to transfer to my digital camera so i can send it to my lawyer.
I tried dragging the pictures into my digital camera folder, but when i check the picture library on my camera the pictures don't show up even though they are in the folder.
If I get my camera developed, will the pictures that i dragged into its memory folder also get developed, or since its not showing in the library it wont?
And if it doesn,t how do i do it if i even can?
Best answer:Answer by Andre M
This is a very confusing question. If you have a digital camera, you dont get the pictures developed thats only film. So you can pick and choose which ones you print by using an online service or by bringing a cd of the shots to wallmart or some place that will print them. If you want to keep the pictures private for some reason I suggest you print them out yourself. Otherwise online services like print for very cheap.
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