Thursday, June 13, 2013

What is the best Nikon camera for beginners?

Question by babyblue: What is the best Nikon camera for beginners?
I really like Nikon cameras and I really like photography. What is the best camera by Nikon for a beginner?

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. Iblis
look at the Nikon D3100 and D5100

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Nikon 5100 as it is simple to use and well priced for the standard of camera,

  2. The Nikon D3100 is the best Nikon camera for beginners. It's an entry level dSLR that has on-board assistance and easy-To-Use Nikon Guide Mode with intuitive controls. Its easy to use and gives great quality still shots as well as videos. Read this detailed review to get opinions on its performance:

    This is the best price i could find for it, there is a great deal for it here:

    Hope this helps. :)
