Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What is a good camera that takes great quality action shots?

Question by Doug H: What is a good camera that takes great quality action shots?
My old camera is a little outdated and when I take action shots the pictures come out blurry. I want a new camera with great technology that will give me great action shots.

Best answer:

Answer by Italian Soda
canon rebel xti

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Any new camera with a fast shutter (at least 1/1000) and good, quick auto focus can easily produce good action shots. When you're in the camera store, try to see which cameras take pictures the fastest from when you push the shutter. True cameras will instantly take a picture, put some poorer quality P&S ones seem to take several seconds to actually take a photo.

  2. Any DSLR with a longer lens will do what you want, but you will also need certain skills to get great action shots. Like panning with the action, shooting at the peak of action, knowing the sport you are attempting to shoot and depending more on your skills than the technology of the camera.

    Many of the people here are using Canon and Nikon entry level DSLR's with the 70-300 mm lens and are being quite successful with their action and sports shots.
