I was thinking of buying a digital camera. For example the Canon PowerShot SD600. How will I get the photos I took on the camera to my computer?
Best answer:
Answer by Lee W
You should have software that comes with the camera that will not only allow you to put the pictures on the computer, but will allow you to make them better... enhance, crop, get rid of "red eye", etc.
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you plug it in the.
ReplyDeleteTrust me on this - don't mess with the software which comes with the camera, just go to WalMart and get a $ 15 multicard reader. Just plug it in to your USB port and leave it. Then take your card out of your camera and plug it into the reader, and transfer the pictures using Windows Explorer. So easy. Great model for you to pick by the way, I have an SD630 and absolutely love it. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteif ur cam has a usb cable, you just put the usb cable to the usb port on your computer. then try to check the manual of your cam and look for the steps on how to transfer it... it should do the trick.
ReplyDeletethere is a cable with it