Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What brand of Digital camera should i buy?

Question by citrus: What brand of Digital camera should i buy?
Im looking for a camera which can create a quality picture. Is it sony, samsung, canon or panasonic?

Best answer:

Answer by retiredPhil
Canon and Sony have the better reputations, along with Nikon.

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. i was a professional photographer, and all the makes you have mentioned are top brands, however, after using all of those makes, I have found Panasonic offer a quality, better than the rest.

    In small digi cameras, Panasonic were the first to make a quality camera with a big telephoto zoom (the TZ range), and I use a TZ5 now, and its a fantastic little camera, which oozes quality

    Panasonic for me every time

  2. depends on what type of camera; point and shoot , dslr, etc

  3. All brand makes good and bad cameras. It all finally comes down to your personal choice what looks good, feels better on your hand or costs less in your area. Cheap point and shoots are good for regular pictures. Take a look at canon's IXUS line. They look good and take good pictures without being harsh on your pocket. But don't buy overly expensive point and shoots like Canon G series or something similar. The thing is, getting a point and shoot for around $ 450 is wastage as you can have an entry level SLR for that price. If you are really serious about photography and want to take pictures in the dim areas too without the flash, SLRs are going to outperform any Digicams, regardless the price. So, save some cash and make a direct move towards SLRs. Nikon, Pentax Canon all makes great digicams and point and shoots.

  4. Sony has some of the easiest to use cameras around despite being loaded with features.

  5. dear you can choose brands of digital cameras from this link and copare the q
