Sunday, May 12, 2013

What camera would be good for scuba diving?

Question by Steven B: What camera would be good for scuba diving?
I am looking for a camera to go scuba diving with that will take good clear pictures and videos. Any suggestions, also what criteria would i look for in a good underwater digital camera?

Best answer:

Answer by scubabob
That depends on how picky you are. Most of the amphibians will do ok but not in a spectacular fashion. It's a trade off. A camera that is permanently in a housing to do both above and below photography for a relatively cheap price. They have average features and their images show that. Sea & Sea, Bonica and Sea Life make these types of camera. Typically 300-800 bucks.
If you want high end and want to be fully in control of the images you take then opt for a pricey DSLR with a specific housing for it made by a company such as Ike Lite. The housing alone starts at 500 bucks, strobes start at around 300 and up...the camera...the sky's the limit. You'll have a camera rig though that does both underwater and above water photography as good as it gets.
If spending over 2 grand is out of your budget, you can still find a good point and shoot with many features for about 350 bucks and then add that $ 500 housing for a good basic rig that will outperform an amphib.
Myself? I use a Canon A720IS with an Ike Lite housing/strobe kit. Total cost was about $ 825. It has manual/auto white balance, macro and even an auto underwater mode besides the usual digital features.

What do you think? Answer below!

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