Twitter- Twitter: Faceb...
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Polaroid Z340 Instant Digital Camera- Review
Leica V-Lux 30 Digital Camera Intro A hands-on introduction to the new Leica V-Lux 30 pocket superzoom camera. Find what makes i...
Monday, July 29, 2013
How to do star trails with digital camera?
I've got a kodak digital camera and it such a clear night, I've been wanting to do star trails. How do I go about setting it up and doing it? What about the shutter?
Approxiamtely how long should the shutter stay open?
I've got a film camers right now for photography class till the end of June.
Best answer:
Answer by fhotoace
You need a camera that you can hold the shutter open for at least a few hours. That means something like a 35 mm SLR or DSLR
With camera on its back, aimed at the night sky, place the cameras shutter speed to bulb and using a remote shutter release that can be locked open.
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Sunday, July 28, 2013
Nikon FX and DX DSLR Digital Camera Sensor Sizes Explained (Compact Digital Cameras Too) - Nikon FX and DX DSLR Digital Camera Sensor Sizes Explained (and compared to Nikon P7000 and P500 compact digital cameras too!)
Video Rating: 0 / 5
How do you take a decent picture and properly focus a really cheap digital camera?
Just got a really cheap digital camera. Im not expecting the world here, just photos that are in focus. Any tips?
Best answer:
Answer by Sara-ish
A camera like that will most likely focus on the thing closest to it. I would make sure that the subject is closest and centered in the camera.
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How many years will a digital camera last?
How long do digital cameras generally last? Assuming it never gets dropped and the camera gets used quite frequently for pics and vids.
I am going to get my first digital camera, but Ive heard they only last 2-3 years. The camera I want is a 350 dollar Sony HX20V. But I dont feel it is worth the money if the camera will only last 2-3 years. Any opinions on what I should do?
Best answer:
Answer by flyingtiggeruk
I've got one (Olympus c40) that's over 11 years old and still works fine.
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Saturday, July 27, 2013
How to Use a Digital Camera : Composing Your Picture Using The Rule Of Thirds
Learn basic tips on using the rule of thirds in your digital photography to enhance your photo composition in this free photography video. Expert: Chris C. C...
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Friday, July 26, 2013
What is the best kind of inexpensive digital camera?
I am considering buying a digital camera before a trip to Europe. I want a nice one, but not too expensive. I am looking for something between 60-150 dollars. I am not into photography or anything supremely artistic. I just want my pictures to turn out nicely.
Best answer:
Answer by kingkeeco
There are a few with new anti-shake unfortunately I haven't tried them out personally.
I do know a feature that you might want to consider
some cameras have eliminated the view finder for a screen only
(the screen only can be an issue in bright sun - you may not be able to see the screen well or when your battery starts to run low - screens use more battery power)
If you have a digital card bring it with you to a camera store or any store that has cameras on display ... you can snap pics and then bring it home or print it to see which you prefer, if the store has 1 hr dev. then you see immed. what you've got, just don't forget your card. My dad did it all the time and I now do it when considering a camera as well.
4 months ago - Report Abuse
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Thursday, July 25, 2013
What's the best digital camera I can buy for around 200 dollars?
I will be buying a digital camera soon, and would like to shop around first. Tell me some good cameras (down to the model) that i can get for around 200 dollars, and then tell me what made/makes it a good quality camera. Thanks. Oh, I like to take photographs of live bands, (fast movement).
Best answer:
Answer by tochal
-Sony (with Carl zeis lens)
-Nikon ( only with Nikon lens )
forget the other brands,
go to the shop and choose one of these brands around your budget.
compare the other facilities like size of Monitor and stabilizer and also compare the wight of Cameras .
have fun with your Digicam.
What do you think? Answer below!
Best Digital Camera Under 200 Dollars - Top 5 Best Digital Cameras Under $200
Best Digital Camera Under 200 My Channel: http://www...
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Monday, July 22, 2013
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FS30 Digital Camera: Objective Lens repair - From top - Part 1/2
In this video I will show you how to reassemble the objective lens of the DMC-FS30 digital camera. It has taken me some time to figure out how to reassemble ...
Nikon D3x Camera Preview Video by What Digital Camera
Nikon D3x Camera Preview Video: Nikon D3X First Look with What Digital Camera SUBSCRIBE HERE: WDC takes a first look at the new Nikon D3...
Video Rating: 4 / 5
What the next step after a digital camera?
I have a digital camera and very intrested in photography. I think I am ready for a little more advanced camera that can take nice high quality photos. I am 14 and i do not know if i am ready for a digital SLR camera. Can you tell me a camera that you think i am ready for?
Best answer:
Answer by moximegan
The Nikon L100
It is a digital camera with more capabilities than just a small digital! It has more camera to hold on to also which is what I like alot!
(Plus it's not expensive!)
They are very good at closeups (Just thought you should know!)
What do you think? Answer below!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
What is the best affordable digital camera out there?
I'm 17 and I'm going into my senior year of high school so I wanted to buy a new digital camera to help me document my final adventures. I've owned 2 cameras before but neither of them lasted and the quality wasn't very good so I definitely don't want to make the same mistake, any ideas?
Best answer:
Answer by ConTho
Check out this blog:
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Saturday, July 20, 2013
The Digital Camera | INVENTORS | PBS Digital Studios
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Polaroid Z2300 hands-on
Adi Robertson checks out the new instant digital camera from Polaroid. Check out the full article here:
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Friday, July 19, 2013
How a Digital Camera Works
How a Digital Camera Works.
What kind of battery is compatible with this digital camera?
My digital camera is a Canon Powershot A530. I use Duracell's batteries for it, but after I take about 20 pictures, it starts to act up and says to change the batteries, and will take maybe one picture, then shut off on its own. I've gathered that maybe the batteries I use are not compatible with my camera, but I don't know which batteries are. If you happen to know which battery works well with this kind of camera, well please answer. :) Thanks.
Best answer:
Answer by stan l
If it only takes "about 20 pictures" on a set of Duracells, you have a bad camera. My Canon A710 takes 200+ pics on a set of Duracell Alkalines. Are you using some dollar store reject imitation Duracells? Digital cameras do NOT like crappy batteries.
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Samsung NX10 EV-NX10ZZBABUS Digital Camera
Never compromise when it comes to capturing lifes most precious moments. The Samsung NX10 EV-NX10ZZBABUS Digital Camera offers an incredible 14.6 Megapixels ...
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
what is the best digital camera on the market today?
I'm looking to buy a digital camera. I want it just to take pictures of good times, but I want a good point and shoot camera. What is the best?
Thank you both!
Best answer:
Answer by Fhotoace is the real #1
Personally, I chose the Canon Powershot SD950-IS, but I recommend the SD850-IS if someone does not want to spend quite that much money.
Please look at the new Canon Powershot SD850-IS. This is a very versatile camera that will not get in your way as you travel. It has a nice workable zoom range that will take you from broad scenics to decent telephoto views. Look at some sample images from the reviews on the SD850-IS to get the idea what this lens will cover. It has image stabilization, which really works. It is small enough to fit into a shirt pocket. It has a rechargeable battery that is good for 200-250 shots, depending on how much zooming and viewing you do or on how many shots use the flash. A spare battery is 1¾"x1¼"x¼" and the charger is barely twice that size, so carrying the spare is easy and packing the charger is easy. It has an optical viewfinder which can be useful when the sun is too bright to see the image on your LCD monitor. I could go on, but you can read some reviews and see what the pro's say.
SD850-IS (IXUS 950 IS) Preview:
- See also:
- See also:
User reviews:
See also:
If you know how to read these charts, you can also go here and see what the changes are.
Click on "Read Owner Opinions," which are mini-reviews by buyers. You can also read the full review on the SD700-IS by clicking on that option.
The upgrades for the SD850-IS are:
Canon Digic III image processor instead of Digic II
8 MP instead of 6 MP
Maximum ISO 1600 instead of ISO 800
Accepts up to 4 GB memory card instead of 2 GB
LCD monitor has better image
Face detection
I listed these in the order of importance, in my opinion. The first two are the ones that really count the most and the rest are just gravy.
Canon Powershot SD950-IS...
If you want to see some SD950 photos, go to From there, you can also choose to "See all public photos tagged with SD950is" if you want. Some of these are not so much beautiful photos as they are to illustrate a point for answers, but you can still look at the image to evaluate the quality. If they have been altered, I will mention that in the description.
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Sony Cyber-shot digital camera | DSC-HX20V - Never miss a shooting opportunity with the 20x optical zoom and incredible high-speed auto focus and of Cyber-sh...
Monday, July 15, 2013
Why do I need to format a new memory card for a digital camera before using it?
We've have just bought a new digital camera and immediately started taking pictures, then read that the memory card should be formatted before using. What now?
Best answer:
Answer by Terisu
I've done the same thing, and usually it's no problem. Every now and then, the pictures will mysteriously disappear though. Buy an inexpensive card reader and see what's on the card. If you have images there, just transfer them over to your hard drive. Formatting is an easy way to erase old pictures that you've already transferred, but I've gotten by many times by just deleting the pictures using my computer.
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Digital Camera Hack! Learn the secret the stores don't want you to know!
Hack a one-time use digital camera and use it over and over! First time on YouTube! More details at Check out my other v...
Video Rating: 4 / 5
How do you broadcast on the internet using a digital camera?
I have a Canon digital camera. I have the USB chord and another wire that has a black and yellow outputs on the end of the chord, opposite of where it goes into the camera. These are the only 2 wires my camera came with. How can I start broadcasting. I need step by step instructions.
(Do I need to download any programs?)
Best answer:
Answer by water_skipper
Maybe you can't. A digital camera is normally made for shooting still images or taking videos that are saved as files. Most of them are not capable of live video. Get a USB web cameras instead. By the way, who are you trying to "broadcast" to? You probably want a instant message program that supports video chat.
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Sunday, July 14, 2013
Sony Digital Camera Sticking Stuck Shutter Fix, Repair. Easy Quick Works!
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Saturday, July 13, 2013
What is the best professional digital camera?
I wanna buy a professional digital camera, but there are many different types and models, and it is hard to choose, would you please recommend any camera? and tell me why it is recommended?!
Best answer:
Answer by Ɠ. ƦѦϝϝ
In professional photography, the camera body isn't as important as the lenses are. It really all depends on what types of photographs you will be taking. There are all different types of lenses for all different purposes.
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Friday, July 12, 2013
Fuji Finepix HS10 Digital Camera Review
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Sony Cyber-shot Digital Camera TX20 ♥ Review
OPEN THE BOX FOR A FREE INVISIBLE PRADA BAG!!!!!! Shop The SonyStore! Shop The Camera! Shop The Camera I was going ...
Video Rating: 3 / 5
Thursday, July 11, 2013
What is a good digital camera for a teenager?
I am looking for a digital camera that is pocket size, takes good quality photos, can record video and is under $ 200.
Best answer:
Answer by Mellow
I prefer Sony Cybershot DSC-S980 12MP Digital Camera with 4x Optical Zoom.
Price: $ 174.63
- 12.1-megapixel Super HAD CCD image sensor
- 4x optical zoom lens; SteadyShot image stabilization helps prevent blur
- Large 2.7-inch LCD display (230k pixels)
- Face Detection technology captures faces naturally
- Special kit includes carrying case and 2 GB Memory Stick
I have to say the pictures turned out great and it is very easy to use. If I can use it with no problem then anyone can (coming from a person who is not good with technology)
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Guide on how to make a 3D Digital Camera yourself
As 3D is the "in" thing this year, we thought we would do something constructive for this video and create a 3D camera with a rather modest budget. Watch the...
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Is it difficult to take pictures of the Effiel Tower at night with a digital camera?
My digital camera doesnt take pictures of things that are far away at night because the flash can only work to things close by. Do you reccommend a disposable camera?
Best answer:
Answer by aribelle
I used my digital last year when I went and they came out great! You may also want to use a regular SLR. It depends on the quality of your camera- please, no disposable!
What do you think? Answer below!
Monday, July 8, 2013
GE X500 Digital Camera Review - See How This Special FREE Photography Report Reveals Professional, "Insider" Tips And Tricks ...
What is a good digital camera for macro photography?
I've developed an obsession with photography. lol.
I live for it!!
My camera is quite good...but I want to take my photography to the next level. What is a good digital camera for close up photography? I like taking pictures of close up objects especially nature...such as flowers or animals.
Any ideas.
Links to pictures of this dream camera would be much appreciated.
Please keep the price doooowwwnnn. :D
Thanks everyone.
Have a great day!
Best answer:
Answer by jdbaum42
I won't suggest a make and model, but you should consider a DSLR and a good macro lens, maybe a ring light too. The lens is really the defining factor here. It'll cost you, but it will definitely take you to the next level.
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Sunday, July 7, 2013
Digital Camera Technology : How Do Digital Cameras Work?
Digital cameras work by allowing light to come through a lens opening, which then causes an electronic reaction from special sensors inside the camera. Find ...
Saturday, July 6, 2013
What is the difference between a 35mm camera and a digital camera?
I purchased a digital camera at a garage sale for $ 10 two weeks ago, and I am still learning how to use it. I do know that you get the pictures right away, and you can post them on the computer and share them on social networks such as Facebook, but what I would like to know is do they work the same as a 35m camera?
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Smartypants
A digital camera, you can just transfer the pictures directly to your computer.A 35mm camera needs film, when then has to be developed and printed, then either the print or the negative needs to be scanned with a scanner.
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Origami Daily - 179: Digital Camera (Dollar Bill Camera) - TCGames [HD]
Welcome to the tcgames daily origami series. In this tutorial, I will show you how to make an origami digital camera. Enjoy :D! If you are looking to buy goo...
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Thursday, July 4, 2013
What is the best type of photography camera?
I really like taking photos. I'm also actually good at it. I only have a digital camera but I want to get an actual photography camera. I don't know which type to get. Olympus? Canon? Please help me and give me a link to a site where you can buy the camera (sensible price please). Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by 4x5"
"Film" not "Photography" camera.
The best type is Large Format view cameras.
Roll film is popular too. Any major brand SLR camera will do fine. I like Nikon SLRs because you have access to a legacy of lenses that goes back decades.
Nikon N90s, Nikon FG, and Nikon F3HP are good choices.
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Wednesday, July 3, 2013
What is a cheap camera for a beginner?
I already have a digital camera, but i want to try a more complex detailed camera. What is a cheap one and where can i find one?
Best answer:
Answer by selina_555
You want something "more complex detailed" - doesn't that mean a BETTER camera than what you already have?
As usual, you get what you paid for.
You can find a tiny little P&S for under $ 100, but you don't get any manual controls with it, so you'll never really be able to learn much about photography with it.
You need to work out your priorities first - super cheap or useful?
I would suggest this one:
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How do i crop photos with my pink polaroid camera?
I just bought a pink polaroid digital camera and with my other camera (hp) i downloaded this software where i could crop my photos and idk how to on here. Also do you know if i can use different color shades with this camera like black and white or sepia? Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by earlhoch
The ability to crop probably comes with the computer just upload the photos and ull b able 2 crop and other stuff.
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Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Samsung ST200F Digital Camera Unboxing and Review
All Things Mobile- An unboxing and review of the Samsung ST200F digital camera. This digital camera is 16.1 megapixels, records in 720p HD video with the H.2...
What is the best camera phone available today?
Im looking for a camera phone that takes good pictures and records video aswell. A couple of phones did catch my attention. The Samsung SGH-G800 and the LG KU990 Viewty which both have 5mp cameras. Somebody also said that the Sony Ericcson K790 is supposed to be a real good camera phone to.
Best answer:
Answer by dusty
The Sony Ericcson K790a is really good! rates it as one of the best camera phones around! It has a 5.2 megapixels, and it looks nice too. The Sony Ericcson K850i is cool too. It has 5.O megapixels.
CNET also says the Nokia N95, Motorola Razr V2, Samsung SGH- G800 (like you said), and The SamsungSCH- U900, or the FlipShot, is really good too. The screen flips all the way around, and it's a flip phone, which makes it so unique. I only worry if the entire top part of the flip phone may be weak as its only on one "joint," so to speak.
I use all the time to check out phones before I buy them. They have like videos for you to watch, and they rate all the phones too. The editors are really cool, too.
Hope I helped!
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What is a good digital camera for Christmas?
I want a nice digital camera that has good video quality and some other features.
-cool color
-lots of effects
-don't have to take out the battery to charge
Best answer:
Answer by kitty
i will suggest Canon PowerShot SD780IS great camera with 12.1MP, 3x optical zoom lens with Optical Image Stabilizer. Also support HD video recording
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How can i convert a DVC to my computer without the camera?
The camera broke, and i have a vid i want on my computer, is their any possible way i can get it on the computer without using the camera?
Best answer:
Answer by lare
if you have a DVC player. I have 2. one is a Sony walkman that plays miniDV and the other is a Sony grey market DVC/SVHS combo, both have DV output. They are hard to come by outside of the industrial market, you might try ebay, but honestly, miniDV is so inexpensive now, just get another camera.
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How to shoot a starry sky with a Canon PowerShot SD790 camera?
Everytime I try, nothing shows up on the camera screen!! I don't know if I have a nighttime setting for my camera, either... Any tips? Suggestions? Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Jim A
Compact cameras are not capable of time exposure and that's what you're after, like this.
To do this I had to have the shutter open for 8 seconds. Only a bridge camera or an SLR can give you that control.
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Monday, July 1, 2013
Sony RX100 - 8 Reasons the Sony RX100 Is the BEST Compact Digital Camera EVER!
Speedlight Softbox Sale on NOW! - Sony RX100 - 8 Reasons the Sony RX100...
What is the best/easiest to use digital camera?
I have a Canon EOS Rebel T3. It is a good camera but I was wondering if there is a better camera for use with instagram application? I live in Tokyo and walking all day with a bag to house such a big camera can be cumbersome and tiring so I usually leave it at home. Is there a smaller digital camera that might be a little smaller while still have great quality?
Best answer:
Answer by Martin
All cameras have a completely auto setting which makes them easy to use. The thing which gives your T3 such high quality pictures are the large sensor and the high quality lens. If you go too small then you will end up with a much smaller sensor, which will reduce picture quality.
You could look at something like the Sony RX-100, which is a fairly large compact camera with a reasonably large sensor, but which should be quite a lot smaller and lighter than your T3. That is getting very good reviews at the moment.
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