Monday, May 13, 2013

What type of camera do I have to have for a photography course?

Question by @l33: What type of camera do I have to have for a photography course?
The course requires a 35mm SLR camera, but Im not sure what type of camera is supposed to be.

Best answer:

Answer by Zanthus
better ask the course instructor. A nikon f100 is pretty good i think.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. digital camera are the best. please choose one with zoom. the zoom camera is more expensive but i think they are the best.

  2. A 35mm SLR is a film camera like this...

    It will take 35mm film and have interchangeable lenses. To choose a good SLR for you, if you give us a budget I (and others here) will give you some recommendations.

    (I have already recommended my favourite, the Canon A1 pictured above)

    Hong T > What on earth are you talking about?.


  3. a canon ae-1 is a good choice for a beginners 35mm slr.

  4. You could check with the instructors, but with what you've posted, I'd say a 35mm film camera.

    Craig's List is full of them. Pawn shops are full of them. You want a 35mm film, manual operation camera. Something like a Pentax K-1000 or Nikon F or Canon A-1/AE-1 or Minolta SRT/X series. And at least one lens for the camera, a 50mm being the most common.

    Good luck with your class.

  5. I agree, ask your tutor for guidance as I bought a Fd1000 Fuji for my course without guidance and wished I'd waited for a better digital DSLR which I got later, an Olympus E420 which is brilliant. It is better to ask and make the right choice sooner.
    Look out for camera offers with more for your money too.

  6. If it is an introductory course to photography and how to use the camera, developing in a darkroom then a 35mm with manual focus and the ability to manually adjust the camera's setting would work.

    I used a Minolta Maxxum 7 with a 28 mm - 90 mm lens. Nothing fancy.
