Wednesday, June 5, 2013

what is the best camera to take professianal looking photographs ?

Question by Elleen: what is the best camera to take professianal looking photographs ?
and i dont want a normal digital camera, i want to get one of those big , professianal black cameras.

the max. money i can spend is about £400 .
thankyouu :D
any SLR camera :) but the best one .

Best answer:

Answer by Robert F
try this one my sister owns this one Canon's EOS Rebel XSi and she owns her own photo shop and i think it works great

What do you think? Answer below!


  1. Personaly i prefer any slr camera (cannon is one fo my favoruite brands) However the camera is just a tool you will still need to know how to use light and how to edit the photo if you want it to look like a pro photo

  2. If you're good enough you can take a professional looking photo with *gasp* a "P&S" camera.

  3. Whats the best set of brushes to make professional paintings?
    Whats the best set of pots and pans to be a professional chef?

    See how silly those questions sound? Tools don't make anything professional. It's the skills and knowledge packed away in the brain behind it.

    If you don't know what those "big, black, professional" cameras are called then I fear you're light years away from taking good photos. It never has been or will be the camera alone that makes a good photograph. If that was the case then anyone who had decent money stashed in the bank could be a professional photographer.

    I'm really not trying to rain on your parade here, but the fact is you should try to learn some about the craft to figure out if buying a nice camera would even be worth your while.

  4. God Is In The DetailJune 5, 2013 at 10:18 AM

    it's not the camera, it's the photographer, you can get good shots with any SLR, just as long as you know how to use it.
