Saturday, June 29, 2013

What Properties do I need for a Camera to take very Clear Photos whilst camera is moved?

Question by Josh Broster: What Properties do I need for a Camera to take very Clear Photos whilst camera is moved?
for example, if i wanted a small camera that took photos of small objects, sheets of paper, documents, etc. that were extremely clear yet camera is being moved swiftly as well.
what properties of camera would you look for?

Best answer:

Answer by xxmeganxx
Micro Focus
Face detection

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. !!~!! ChromosomE !!~!!June 29, 2013 at 9:44 PM

    Just buy a good Sony camera with 'Cyber-Shot' feature. You can move the camera swiftly, and still get clear photos. You can even click a person, who's sitting inside a very fast moving train while you are outside the train. You can even get clear photos, while you are horse-riding or biking. It's amazing.

  2. fast shutter speed...

    but when you change the parameters (ambient light, macro setting, etc), you will need to change other things...

    i doubt very much that you would find a camera suitable of meeting your requirements...

  3. if your camera can manually adjust the shutter speed then change it to a very higher setting.

  4. First of all, you should avoid moving the camera while taking a picture (as that is usually the cause of blurry pictures).

    For me, my SLR camera has high-sync flash capabilities (that means I can use my flash at the highest shutter speed, which allows me to get sharp pictures even if I accidentally move the camera a little). I *think* all compact cameras use leaf shutters, so they should sync with the flash at the highest shutter speed (which may still not be fast enough, as leaf shutters have a limit to how fast their shutter speed can be).

    A fast shutter speed by itself may take clear photos, but they will be dark if you don't have enough light.

  5. I think you need a magic camera. What you are asking is what cheap camera will do amazingly professional photos under the worse possible conditions.
    A DSLR with a high fps and an image stabilised L (if canon) lens) shooting with a high ISO (trade off between blur if lower and sharpness if higher) would be your best chance but that wouldn't count as small.
