Tuesday, June 4, 2013

What is the difference between Dslr Camera and Mirrorless camera?

Question by : What is the difference between Dslr Camera and Mirrorless camera?
I am planing to buy a new camera but I am really getting confused when the shopkeeper introduces me the new range known as mirrorless camera. I don't have any idea regarding this will any one please help

Best answer:

Answer by AVDADDY
You were RIGHT THERE in front of someone who would have been glad to explain it to you, but you didn't. Why are you asking us instead of the shopkeeper?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. Mirrorless cameras don't have mirrors - making them expensive toys.

    DSLRs have mirrors - making them excellent and flexible tools.

    Do you want a fashion accessory or a camera ?

  2. If you shoot sports or action, you will need a dSLR.


    Mirrorless cameras use electronic viewfinders and thus there is just enough lag between what the lens "sees" and what is displayed on the electronic viewfinder. This can cause a lot of missed shots.

    Mirrorless camersa are smaller because there does not need to be a pentaprism or pentamirror to correct the image as seen on the focusing screen

  3. Simple

    The DSLR has a mirror, even sony's DSLT's has a mirror. This mirror bounces light up for with a DSLR a viewfinder so you can look through the lens. Or with the DSLT it only bounces up a little light so the super quick focussing phase detection focussing method works. In both ends you have a bigger body but you have super quick focus.

    Well yes they are bigger though and that can be a reason not to buy a DSLR or DSLT.

    But mirrorless they don't have a mirror, so focussing is done using sensors on the actual image sensor. These are not as quick as lets say a DSLR/T but they not having the mirror means they are smaller build. And tend to be lighter and smaller. They work based upon a new mount, and none of them are full frame. So the lenses also can be made smaller...

    yet there mirror-less cameras do have something that put them above your point and shoot... big ass sensor. These mirrorless cameras all have bigger sensors then you find in compact cameras. And with that comes better image quality!

    Common ones are MFT, Micro Fourt Third, a pretty decent sized sensor and there are allot of cameras and lenses for this system. Very mature and good performance

    APS-C based ones like the Sony NEX series and Canon EOS M, these APS-C sensors are as big as the sensors in consumer DSLR/T's Actually they are the same darn sensor with slight adjustments for focussing.

    Yet with big APS-C sized sensor comes also bigger lenses and this is where MFT, yes mirrorless yet a nice size sensor wins. It isn't to big neither to small yet gives you some very nice performance.

    So if you are going for a mirrorless camera [because of weight, size and the ability to take it with you everywhere] then I suggest to go Micro Fourth Third. It is big enough to offer decent image quality. And small enough to be taken everywhere.

    Look not wanting to haunt you but as DLSR/T owner I know its size and weight. And trust me it isn't small or weights little. Taking your camera with you seriously means taking your camera with you. And that is if you only choose one lens.. if I go to a zoo or an event might take three lenses with me. I probably drag 3 to 4 pound with me.

    Hence why I say if you begin now why not an MFT camera. You could do the same, have a smaller bag to carry with you, have maybe even FOUR lenses with you and yet it would weight less.

    And image quality isn't that far from what a DSLR/T can offer you.


    To all those who call Mirrorless Toys ... I guess that the big names in photography shooting range Finders and even basic brownies are just "toy users"

    This "Ugh I don't like this technology so I call it a toy" is not a good thing gentlemen and ladies. Yes some mirrorless cameras are set up to be as easy as possible without even OPTIONS for taking full control. Other Mirrorless cameras are more suited the person who wants to take control even offering MANUAL shooting.

    Are we so far to call these things "toys" just because we are not fully happy with them lacking a mirror. I get it we like to watch through the lens.. yes but that doesn't means everything needs a mirror.

    ML is a fine system of photography It does what photography does it makes pictures.. it allows people to make pictures. And you know.. we are not talking plastic lenses. Some of the lenses in the ML systems are pretty darn good.

    Are you going to say that if it doesn't has a mirror it is a toy... what are you. a snob.. what are you. Just because someone doesn't drives a V8 do you laugh at them..

    I am ashamed of you guys ... very ashamed... don't you remember your first camera.

    I shake my head at you... may one day you step down of your pedestal and join the normal people again.

  4. dslr - big, mechanical shutter, has mirror

    mirrorless - compact, no moving parts in the body, no mirror

    pros uses dslr

    but mirrorless wont break for along time, because of no moving shutters and mirrors
